Kentucky Nonprofit Day at the Capitol 2023
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Join us at the 16th annual KY Nonprofit Day at the Capitol: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
We're back! Join your colleagues from across the Commonwealth for the sector’s day of advocacy in Frankfort and celebrate the advocacy successes of the nonprofit sector in the past few years, including the 2022 $75 million Nonprofit Assistance Fund. It's been three years since we've gathered nonprofit leaders at the Capitol and we can't wait to see you!
Timeline of Events:
- Morning: Available to schedule meetings with legislators
- 10:00am: Check in/Registration - House Chamber
- 10:15-11:30am: Nonprofit Advocacy Awards Program - House Chamber
- 11:30am-12:30pm: Available for lunch on your own and/or meetings with legislators
- 12:30-1:20pm: Rally - Capitol Rotunda
- 1:30pm: Group Photo - Capitol Rotunda/Stairs
- 1:50pm: Greet Legislators as they Enter House and Senate Chambers
Note: If you’d like to watch the House or Senate when they gavel in at 2pm ET, you can access the House gallery on a first-come, first-seated basis. Passes to the Senate gallery can be accessed through your Senator or you may check in on 3/8 at the Senate President’s office on the 3rd floor to the right of the Senate chamber.
Important Reminders:
- If you plan to meet with your legislators on March 8 (see suggested windows of time above), make appointments NOW. Click here to access KNN's 2023 Public Policy page, which includes a link to find your legislator and their contact info.
- Join is in the celebration - bring signs and help us be loud and visible in the Rotunda!
- We'd like to hear from you! If your nonprofit would be willing to share how accessing a relief grant from the $75 million Nonprofit Assistance Fund been impactful to your mission, emailus@kynonprofits.org to share your story with us.
- What are the sector's legislative priorities for this session? Click here for a recap from a recent Virtual Town Hall Meeting and check out the priorities and other resources here.
- Check out the prep call from our 2/23 Virtual Town Hall Meeting - click here to access the recording.
Registration Details:
- Registration deadline: Tuesday, March 7 at 9:30am ET
- Not yet a KNN member? Join KNN prior to online registration to take advantage of our members-only registration fee AND to be sure your nametag at the event proudly displays a member ribbon!
- Please note: there are no refunds of registration fees. Registrations may be transferred to another participant at the same organization free of charge. Should you need to transfer registration, please emailus@kynonprofits.org and let us know the name and email address of the individual who will attend in your absence.
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KNN Members: $30
Potential Members: $45
Public Policy and Advocacy
Day at the Capitol