White Saviorism: Knowing Your Role in Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion
Thursday, February 9, 2023 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM) (EST)
As White folks, we often do not seek to understand what our role is in anti-racism, equity and inclusion, even in our own workplaces and community spaces. This training will help you understand the Eight White Identities and find your role in the ongoing work of racial and social justice in our communities. All learner types were thought of when planning this training, with times for individual reflection, small group work, and full group sharing. Join us to say no to White Saviorism and commit to working toward being an ally and accomplice.
- Cultural, Religious, and Racial tensions
- Moving from Indifference to Action
- The Eight White Identities
- White Savior Complex
- Interpersonal vs. Systemic Discrimination
- Contradictions for White Folks in Racial Justice Work
- Interrupting Dominant White Culture
Learning Objectives:
- You will understand the levels of Whiteness and identify where you are on your journey.
- You will hear stories of both marginalization and hope from MN communities.
- You will learn about White Saviorism and understand your role in racial and social justice as a White person working toward being an ally and accomplice.
Offered by our partner Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.
Note: When registering, you will register as individuals and not as organizations. You will not need to enter your nonprofit's information when registering in the MCN system. If you have trouble registering at the correct rate, please contact info@minnesotanoprofits.org.
About the Presenter
Natalie Ringsmuth, executive director, Unite Cloud, grew up in Central Minnesota and received her Music Education degree from Concordia College in Moorhead. She taught middle school choir in Georgia and worked in the church sector for over a decade. In 2015, she founded Unite Cloud, a non-profit working to reduce racial, religious, and cultural tensions in Central MN. She is also a trainer with the CARE (Community Anti-Racism Education) Team at SCSU (St Cloud State University), and a member of the St Cloud School District 742 board, the United Way Community Impact Team, and the Welcoming America Content Advisory Board. Natalie loves to spend time with her husband and 3 children, making music and playing games.
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