Webinar: Succession and Transition Planning: How to Begin
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EST)
Many organizations have experienced an employee with vast institutional knowledge leaving for another job or retiring and the organization was uncertain how to have a smooth transition to the next chapter. Often in such times information may fall through the cracks and countless hours of staff time are spent onboarding and training new employees who have big shoes to fill and do not know where to begin. This workshop is intended to provide an overview, practices, and some tools that may help such changes to run more smoothly through transition, succession and back up planning.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn approaches and techniques for how to start succession and back up planning
- Exposure to tools that may help with succession and back up planning
- Learn from examples of case studies of what to do and not to do
Intended Audience:
- Nonprofit leaders preparing to retire
- Operations staff
- Middle management with teams
- Staff who feel they need a backup when they want to take time off but that infrastructure does not exist
Offered by our partner, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
This event will have AI captions via Zoom’s transcription function. Please note that these captions are automatically generated by the computer software and may not always accurately transcribe what is said. If you need professional captioning, or have another accessibility accommodation, please email MCN’s program assistant with your request at least two weeks prior to the start of the event. Although we will attempt to meet all accessibility requests, late request may not be fulfilled.
About the Presenter

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