Unlocking the Mystery of Donor Retention

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 (1:30 PM - 3:30 PM) (EDT)


This event is offered by our partner in another state. Please double-check times and time zones prior to registering. 

Did you know that nonprofits lose on average more than 60% of their donors each and every year? This donor churn creates unnecessary work and is not cost effective for nonprofits, especially those with limited capacity. In particular, we know that your next major donors are probably right under your nose and you don’t know it. So, just what can an organization do to increase the loyalty of its donors?

Course Objective: Learn how to stop losing more donors than you are keeping and raise more money by retaining and upgrading the ones you have.

  1. what matters to donors and how that affects their giving decisions.
  2. how to build a fundraising strategy that focuses on increasing donor retention;
  3. creating greater engagement with your current donors so they are inspired to increase their giving.

Pre or Post-Work: Attendees are asked to bring their organization’s donor communications plan and any stats on donor giving trends (retention rates, average gift, etc.)

Audience: This session is designed for Development Directors, Managers, or Officers and any other leaders who are directly involved with donor relationship management.

Offered by our partners at Center for Nonprofit Advancement


KNN Members: $25 (Login to the MIC and click on "KNN Member Discount Codes & Benefits" to access registration instructions.) Emailus@kynonprofits.org if you have issues registering.

Potential Members: $99 

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Wednesday, October 30, 2024 (1:30 PM - 3:30 PM) (EDT)
Shared Webinar - National Council of Nonprofits
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