Town Hall Meeting Recording: Sharing Demographic Data on Your Candid/GuideStar Profile
Tuesday, January 1, 2030
KNN hosts calls every other week via Zoom to discuss updates related to COVID-19, nonprofit resources, advocacy initiatives, and other relevant topics. Join us at 10:30am ET every other Thursday.
On the November 10 call, Candid Associate Asia Hadley shares how to claim your free GuideStar (Candid) profile to tell your organization's story and attract potential donors and funders. By sharing your organization's key demographic data and earning the Candid Gold Seal of Transparency, you not only provide donors with the information they need to make decisions about funding your cause, but also help KNN understand the demographic makeup of nonprofits in Kentucky, so we can continue working together to create a more equitable sector.
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Event - Recording
Transparency and Accountability
Financial Management
Call - Virtual Town Hall