The ROI of Strategic Planning: Aligning Your Team, Board, and Partners for Revenue and Impact Growth in 2025
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)
This event is offered by our partner in another state. Please double-check times and time zones prior to registering.
Is your organization considering engaging in strategic planning? Explore two case studies where strategic planning produced significant increases in both community impact and revenue. Learn from their successes and mistakes as they successfully shifted existing assumptions and created measurable change in local communities around poverty, hunger and environmental sustainability using an equity lens.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover what is needed to set the foundation for strategic planning that supports systems change, innovation, increased community impact, and successful fundraising.
- Assess your organization’s alignment and readiness for strategic planning.
- Explore the potential roles of the board, Executive Director/CEO, staff, and community stakeholders in successful planning.
- Gain new perspectives on how to attract and retain the right funders to support your work.
Offered by our partners at Center for Nonprofit Advancement

KNN Members: $25 (Login to the MIC and click on "KNN Member Discount Codes & Benefits" to access registration instructions.) Emailus@kynonprofits.org if you have issues registering.
Potential Members: $99
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Financial Management
Shared Webinar - National Council of Nonprofits