Louisville Nonprofit Coalition Hosts Nonprofit Priorities & Breakfast with Congressman Morgan McGarvey
Thursday, August 15, 2024 (9:30 AM - 11:00 AM) (EDT)
Join the Louisville Nonprofit Coalition for a breakfast and discussion of nonprofit sector priorities with U.S. Congressman Morgan McGarvey.
To participate in the Coalition's pre-breakfast visit with Congressman McGarvey, as well as engage in their other Coalition efforts, join the Louisville Nonprofit Coalition!
Space is limited.
RESERVED TABLES ARE SOLD OUT. Only a handful of individual tickets remain.
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Louisville Nonprofit Coalition Members: 2 FREE tickets (email laela@kynonprofits.org for the discount code) OR Reserved table of 10: $430
KNN Members: Individual ticket: $60 / Reserved table of 10: $550
Potential Members: Individual ticket: $80
280 W Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40202 United States