Webinars On Demand

Town Hall Recording: KY Unemployment: Costs, Pending Legislation, & Nonprofit Solutions (6/13/24)
On the June 13 Town Hall Recording: Kentucky Unemployment - Your Guide to Costs, Pending Legislation, and Nonprofit Solutions. Is your nonprofit paying too much for Unemployment Insurance? Federal and state laws permit 501 (c)(3) nonprofits to opt out of the state unemployment system and instead reimburse the state for any validated claims to former employees. This option for charities often saves nonprofits 50-60% on unemployment costs. KNN and our partners at First Nonprofit invite you to watch this recording for an update on the latest shifts in Kentucky's unemployment insurance costs; pending federal legislation that might impact unemployment insurance expenses; and the unique unemployment insurance financing opportunities tailored specifically for nonprofits operating in Kentucky.
Click for more information and to register for the download.
KNN members & potential members: FREE