Webinars On Demand

Town Hall Meeting Recording: Health Insurance Updates & KNN Employee Benefits Program
KNN hosts Virtual Town Hall Meetings via Zoom every other week to connect regularly with nonprofits across Kentucky to provide timely information and resources. Join us at 10:30am ET every other Thursday.
On our 9/5 call recording, we discuss health insurance! Kelly Harding with our broker partners at Hub join us to share info about KNN's Employee Benefits Program and provide the latest developments in the world of employer provided health insurance. KNN's health insurance partners at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky also join us to share the latest features of KNN's plan to promote health and wellness. This free recording is a great opportunity for KNN members who are participating in the state association health program, as well as for nonprofits interested to learn more.
Click here to access the recording of the call.
Resources shared:
KNN members & potential members: FREE