Webinars On Demand

The Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint 2023
Learn grantwriting from a grantmaker – online - at your own pace – with your team, in this 8-session self-paced online program! Enroll any time! Start when you’re ready, and go at your own pace.
Complete details and enroll here!
If you’re ready to invest right now in growing your own grants success, don’t miss this chance to learn grantwriting from a grantmaker – online – at your own pace – and with your team!
Taught by veteran grantmaker Maryn Boess, GrantsMagic U’s all-in-one, online 8-session “Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint” program is open right now – start when you’re ready! Students from literally every arena of the grants world – every level of experience, every type of nonprofit – have rated The Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint a five-star experience that has changed the way they think about and practice grantseeking!
- Sign up any time, start any time, take it at your own pace, on your own schedule!
- Your KNN membership saves you $50!
- Plus, with your primary enrollment, 3 team members can also enroll, for just $25 each!
- KNN Members: $147 (Login to the MIC and click on "KNN Member Discount Codes & Benefits" to access the discount code. Emailus@kynonprofits.org with any questions or if you have difficulty finding the code.)
- Potential Members: $197 - Not yet a KNN member? Join now and SAVE!
- Train Your Team SPECIAL: With each primary enrollment, you can enroll up to 3 additional team members for just $25 each!