Webinars On Demand

Let’s Talk Race: Conversations on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Nonprofit Leaders Facing Race and Equity Together (October 1 call)
Call Recording: KNN hosts monthly discussions on the diversity, intersectionality, and inclusion issues facing the sector. These calls, held every other week, are an important opportunity to connect with your colleagues facing similar challenges and opportunities, learn from one another's experiences, share ideas and best practices, and more.
This week's topic is Building Equity into Nonprofit Finance: One place to look for tangible evidence of any individual’s or group’s priorities and values is to look at where they spend their money. This is true of nonprofits as well. If you pick up any nonprofit organization’s financial statements, you will get a glimpse of what resources the group thinks are most important to accomplishing its mission. You can also find evidence of an organization’s commitment to racial equity. Each line item tells you the specific kinds of resources the organization makes use of; the amount invested in each program or project tells you what priority that particular activity has for the organization.
Join KNN and our guest, Curtis Klotz, Director of Nonprofit Innovation at CLA, as we discuss how you can take stock of your organization's priorities where it concerns racial equity - as told through the lens of your finances - and determine if your actions match your mission and your values.
Click for more information and to register for the download.
KNN members & potential members: FREE
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