Webinars On Demand

Let's Talk Equity - Gender Equity
Join your nonprofit colleagues for discussions on the diversity, intersectionality, and inclusion issues facing the sector. These monthly calls are an important opportunity to connect with your colleagues facing similar challenges and opportunities, learn from one another's experiences, share ideas and best practices, and more.
Our February 2, 2023 call features a discussion on gender equity with Gretchen Hunt, JD, of the Office for Women at Louisville Metro Government. Ms. Hunt highlights the top gender equity issues of importance to Kentucky. She also speaks about policies on preventing domestic violence in the workplace, supporting the child care infrastructure, and building capacity of women in leadership. Watch this recording for an important gender equity discussion aimed at helping us strengthen our organizations, as well as learn about work at the local level that could help you advance gender equity in your community.
Click for more information and to register for the download.
KNN members & potential members: FREE
Click here to view more racial equity information and resources on our website.
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