Webinars On Demand

Let's Talk Equity: Experiences of a Nonprofit Leader of Color
On this month's call:
It has been almost a year since we conducted the Racial Equity in Kentucky's Nonprofit Sector report commissioned by the Kentucky Nonprofit Racial Equity Task Force. The report revealed only 11% of the survey respondents identified as nonprofit leaders of color, and gaining the perspective and representation of these nonprofit leaders is essential to moving from discussion to action. This call featured a candid discussion to help gain insight into the experience of being a nonprofit leader of color. Facilitated by Donna Murray-Brown of DMB Coaching and Consulting. Under her leadership as former CEO of Michigan Nonprofit Association, Donna’s team launched a cohort for BIPOC nonprofit leaders, a space for BIPOC-identifying leaders to affirm each other and build solidarity. (Note: The recording was paused during the open discussion at the end, but the remainder of the call was recorded.)
Click for more information and to register for the download.
KNN members & potential members: FREE
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