Webinars On Demand

How to Access the 2022 Kentucky Nonprofit Compensation Report
You asked and we listened - Kentucky Nonprofit Network is proud to release the state’s first-ever Nonprofit Compensation Report! The need for comparable salary and benefits information is a top request of KNN members, and we are delighted to offer this resource as the most current and comprehensive study of salary and benefit data statewide to help KY nonprofits:
- Determine competitive salaries for each position in our organizations so we can recruit and retain skilled staff
- Understand how our organizations’ pay and compensation compares with others (by title, nonprofit type, budget size, and staff size)
- Access accurate data to support salary recommendations and equitable compensation practices within our organizations
Watch this brief video to learn how to access KNN's NEW Nonprofit Compensation Report, including information on discounted rates for KNN members!
Click here to watch the video.
Other links:
- 2022 KY Nonprofit Compensation Report
- Slides: How to Access the Compensation Report
- KNN Employee Benefits Program
KNN members & potential members: FREE