3103 Eisenhauer Road, #L-23
San Antonio TX 78209

Christ-Centered. Eyecare. Ministry.

Ret.Pray.Love.Foundation has a heart to create a world where everybody sees better, both physically and spiritually. This means RPLF is a ministry of sharing the Gospel of God’s love through the provision of education and eye care in underserved areas of the world.

We believe that there is an inherent connection between physical health and spiritual well-being.  It is our desire to use this ministry to connect individuals to the local church, through our service and prayers.

We also realize the power of Christ to sustain these efforts.  RPLF partners with local health providers, spiritual leaders, and authorities to prepare and equip them to meet the ongoing needs of their community. Through education and training, both in clinical care and discipleship, we are leveraging our gifts that the love and compassion of God may be known in all the world.

“Let your light be so laser-focused that others may see, and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16 (RPLF paraphrase)

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