Understanding and Unlocking Planned Gifts

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (EST)


The latest Giving USA Report showed that bequests and other planned gifts are growing. This trend will continue as our country prepares for the largest generational wealth transfer. Does your organization understand the potential and logistics of cultivating and accepting planned gifts?

Join Kristin M. Shore, Development Director, Gift Planning at KU Endowment, to learn the basics of bequests, life income gifts, and how to turn bequest dollars into increased lifetime giving. This session will help you improve your charitable gift planning and management skills regardless of your organization's size.

Participants in this session will learn:

  • Different methods of planned giving and the benefits of planned gifts
  • Sample bequest language for donors to include in their will or trust 
  • Key words or phrases to listen for to uncover donors who are good candidates for planned gifts
Plus, as an added bonus, Kristin will share information on the Mid America Charitable Gift Planners, an association and resource for those who are looking to further sharpen their gift planning skills.  

Offered by our partner, Nonprofit Connect


KNN Members: $45 (Login to the MIC and click on "KNN Member Discount Codes & Benefits" to access the discount code.) Emailus@kynonprofits.org if you have issues accessing your code.

Potential Members: $75

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (EST)
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